Our vision is to see over 100 million souls saved, discipled and serving God
Living Supernaturally
PO BOX 144
Broken Arrow, OK 74011
9am to 5pm
1-800-543-PRAY (7729)
Thanks for joining with us in our quest to walk in the fullness of life Jesus came to give us.
On the average of once per month, David sends out a (snail mail) teaching letter. If you include your address, we will include you in that mailing unless you tell us otherwise in the comments area.
We would very much appreciate you taking a moment to tell us in the Comments area how you heard of the ministry or found the website. It will help us to know how to best get the Word out to others.
We are also very open to any ideas, suggestions, or comments that you may have that could help us to better serve you and the body of Jesus Christ at large.
As mentioned in our Privacy Statement, all information shared is considered confidential, including your name and email address. We appreciate you and will do all we can to respect and honor you as a child of a King.