Dr. David Martin

I gave my heart to Jesus Christ in 1978, at which time He totally changed my life.
- Doctrines Of Faith
- Doctrines Of Faith
Dave Martin Ministries
David is the President of Dave Martin Ministries, inc. based in Broken Arrow, OK. The ministry was incorporated and registered as a nonprofit 501C tax exempt ministry in October of 1985.
I Have a business background in sales, marketing, and advertising and I still do consulting and provide some services, “tent making,” in these areas under the business name “dm Creative Link” dmcreativelink.com.
I incorporated “Dave Martin Ministries” as a 501C (non-profit) ministry in 1985 and have traveled the world extensively since then.
Countries we’ve been to include; Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Zaire (Democratic Republic of the Congo), Cameroon, Zimbabwe, South Africa, India, Russia, Ukraine, France, Canada. We’ve also traveled extensively across the United States.
Outside of the USA, Africa has been the primary continent God has directed us to, and we’ve made 19 trips there over the years.
As a fivefold minister, I use the title “Evangelist/Teacher” although I know that my primary calling is that of an Apostle. I’ve served as a Pastor, have a strong prophetic anointing and I am often introduced as a Prophet but most importantly, I consider myself a servant of the Most High.
Believe and Do Greater
The foundation verse to my life and to the ministry God gave me just three months later was John 14:12 where Jesus said that we would do what He did and greater. My life long quest has been to understand how Jesus did what He did and to teach others to do the same.
One title that is often used that I like and that is appropriate is “Revivalist”. This rings true in my heart and has been demonstrated over the years. As an example, in 2005, I did a weekend meeting in Milford, Connecticut, which ended up lasting 17 weeks. I came to my home State of Wisconsin for a little bit of rest, did a Sunday meeting in Milton, and it was extended to an eight-week revival.
In the Milton revival, people started coming from the Rockford, Illinois, area, and at the end of the eight weeks in Milton, I started a series in Rockford which lasted for over four months. The Rockford series was unlike any series I’d ever been a part of, as I was in the largest Word of Faith church every Saturday night, in the Assembly of God on Friday nights, and in other churches throughout the weeks. It was the first time I’d ever seen a city share an Evangelist.
The signs, wonders, and miracle aspect of the ministry are profound with significant demonstrations of God’s miracle healing power. Over the years, many newspaper journalists have come to the meetings and as a result, we’ve had some awesome front page stories validating the power of Jesus Christ.
I personally believe that, when we minister, we should avoid drawing any attention to ourselves, and we should be careful to give all the praise, honor, and glory to God for every work of the Spirit. As a result, I tend to be soft spoken in ministry, yet very powerful. Most people witnessing the ministry refer to it as “peaceful power.”
As much as the miraculous is exciting and demonstrative, what I enjoy the most is teaching people the simple, practical truths of how to walk in the fullness of life Jesus promised us in His Word. God has gifted me with a life changing “teaching gift” which allows me to effectively illustrate, demonstrate, and illuminate the practical truths of His Word.
One area of uniqueness in the ministry is what we call “Business Breakthrough.” It brings the supernatural power of God to the business world. Few business people fully understand the importance of applying spiritual truths to their business. Spiritual truths applied in any area of life are going to bring forth God’s protection and provision, which is far beyond anything we could ever possibly ask, think, or imagine.
When traveling outside of the country, we typically have a three pronged strategy which includes a pastors’ conference, crusade, and a meeting with business/political leaders.
At a personal level, I am married, have four children and live in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, where our ministry and business headquarters are also based.
Doctrines Of Faith
- We believe the Bible is the inspired and only infallible, authoritative Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
- We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (I John 5:6-8).
- We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory (I Cor. 15:3-4, I Peter 2:18-24).
- We believe that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that no one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6).
- We believe that for salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential (Romans 3:21-30, Gal. 4:4-7).
- We believe in the operation of the gifts of the Spirit for today (I Cor. 12).
- We believe that the operation of the supernatural is natural to all believers and everything Jesus did all believers are called to do (John 14:12).
- We believe we fight a very real unseen force called the devil or Satan, and he comes to steal, kill and destroy; but Jesus came to give us life in abundance (John 10:10).
- We believe that believers need to be serious about their relationship with God and purpose to be hot for God (Rev. 3:16).
- We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; that they are saved unto the resurrection of life; and that they are lost unto the resurrection of damnation (John 5:24, 28-29).
- We believe that deliverance from sickness is provided for in the atonement, and is the privilege of all believers (Isa 53:4, Matt. 8:16-17, Mark 16:18, John 5:6-14, I Peter 2:24).
- We believe in the imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (1 Thess. 4:13-18, Rev. 22:20, John 14:3).
Living Supernaturally Videos
Hundreds of teaching videos are available free on our Living Supernaturally YouTube channel.
Check them out below.
Two Rivers Revival Testimonies
Join the Prayer Movement
Making the World a Better Place with the Prayer App
Tidbits on Prayer 2 Supernatural Faith
Getting Started With the Prayer App from the Home Screen
Help, Prayer Needed!
Getting Started with the Prayer App
Tidbits on Prayer 1: Effective Prayer
livingsupernaturally Live Stream
Prayer App Tutorial
Praise and Prayer Weekly Meeting
Living Supernaturally Prayer App Q&A
XOlence Prayer App Tutorial 1
9 1 20 Changing the World
Prayer App Introduction with Christina
Christina McCracken Interview, "Live for That Day"
Christina McCracken on "Live for that Day"
Video Contest for Prayer App
08-11-20 Divine Restoration: Interview with Christina McCracken
Daily Devotional: You are Here on Purpose
Daily Devotional: Revelation of the Story of the Good Samaritan
Daily Devotional: Grace and Righteousness
Daily Devotional: Seeking God
Daily Devotional: Blessings
Daily Devotional: Miracles
Daily Devotional: Sensitivity to the voice and promptings of GOD.
7-24-20 Divine Restoration- Promo for Interview with Christina McCracken
6-30-20 Supernatural Change Part Four
6-23-20 Supernatural Change Part Three
6-16-20 Supernatural Change Part Two
6-9-20 Supernatural Change Part One
6-2-20 Walking and Living in the Glory Part 9
5-26-20 Walking and living in the Glory Part 8
5-19-20 Walking and Living in the Glory Part 7
5-12-20 Encouragement and Invite to our weekly live 7 PM CDT Praise and Prayer Zoom Meeting
4-28-20 Walking in the Glory Part SIX (graphic is wrong, it says Part One)
Intercessor Prayer Meeting 4-21-20
4-20-20 Business Breakthrough Share and Prayer Meeting
4-21-20 Walking and Living in the Glory Part Five
04-07-20 Walking and Living in the Glory Part Four
Update on Premier Walking in the Glory
03-31-20 Walking and Living in the Glory Part Three
03-24-20 Walking and Living in the Glory Part Two
03-03-20 Walking and Living in the Glory Part One
2-25-20 Harnessing and Walking in the Miracle Power of God Part 12
02-19-20 Harnessing and Walking in the Creative Miracle Power of God Part 11
02-11-20 Harnessing and Walking in the Creative Miracle Power of God Part 10
02-04-20 Harnessing and Walking in the Creative Miracle Power of God Part 9
01-28-2020 Harnessing and Walking in the Creative Miracle Power Part 8
01-21-20 Harnessing and Walking in the Creative Miracle Power of God Part 7